05 August 2011

So Exam, Goodbye ;)

First day English, whoahh, sounds good meh.

Okay je la on that night, still boleh gelak-2 lagi dgn Hawa @ gayung surau.

Okay, time exam pulak aku mcm kelam kabut la (as usual) tibe-2 rase jalan kat atas angen sampai tarikh pun aku lupe, tanye la a boy kat sebelah, nasib baik mat ganu ni okayhh.

Then chemistry, aku pun x sure kenape aku x pernah ade chemistry dgn subject ni.

Brilliant says that chemistry is a central of science.

Oh, no wonder lah aku x sampai ke central lagi. 

Mathematics pulak just nice !

Physics my fav subject, takot + x sabar nak jwb + x ade confident.

= aku salah tulis formula :(

Last but not least biol - logic,

lepas sahur bace je lah ape yg ade sebab aku memang x so much into this biol one, but, JUST BECAUSE OF MY MUM, i've to pretend very-2 good in this part but actually i'm not.

So, last minute studies  ini lah hasilnye, L >U >P >E !!!!!!

What theeeee !!!

Jadi aku pun mcm biase la, tanye org korang okay x weh,

most of them said 'boleh la',

huh???? aku sorang je la ni???

okay, now I had realised that studies last minutes give a damn to my exam.

So, the moral values of this story is :

1. Study early !!!

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